Adding Business Organisations

N.B. If you're looking for information on how to add a School Organisation go and read the Adding School Organisations article.

Campus is designed for you to be able to sell to both schools and other businesses too. Any businesses that you want as organisations that are not schools will need adding to your CRM module in one of two ways.

  1. Through the Add an Organisation page.
  2. Import your Organisations

Through the Add an Organisation Page

Head of over to the Add an Organisation page which is here: CRM -> Organisations -> Add an Organisation.

1. Specify that your organisation is a Business (not a school).

2. A form to fill out the details of your new Organisation will then appear for you to fill out. Ensure you add an Organisation Type as this will help you really segment your marketing going forward. If the Organisation Type is not in your dropdown list then you can add a new type on the fly by clicking on the Add a New Business Type link in the dropdown and typing it in.

Once you've done that simply click the Save button.

Import your Organisations

Importing your organisations gets its very own help article here.