Organising Your SMTP Details

One of the cool features in Campus is that you can send your day-to-day email from within your account and have it logged against your contacts. This means you'll be able to build up a picture of the communication you have with your followers, leads, and opportunities.

It's obviously important to you that any email you send comes from you, not a robot's email address from inside Campus. No problem… to sort this you simply need to fill in your SMTP details in the SMTP Settings page.

Go to your Settings module (by clicking on the Settings item in the dropdown menu underneath the user picture top right of your screen). Then select the Communication item in the submenu and then the SMTP Accounts item in the dropdown. You'll then be fired over to the SMTP Accounts page.

If you're setting up SMTP for the first time (which you probably are) then you'll be faced with a Get Started button which you need to click.

This will open an Add an SMTP Account slide in form for you to fill out.

In the first field choose the user for whom you are setting up the SMTP for. The first user you should set up is you so leave the dropdown set as 'You'. Campus will have already guessed at the Email Address field and the From Name. These two fields are important as they show up in any emails you send.

Further down the form you need to provide Campus with your SMTP login details.

When you click Save Campus will do a quick check to make sure the details you entered are correct and actually work. If they don't it will prompt you to try again or, if it's happy that they work fine, you're all done.