Education Data List Filters and Common Searches

Following the release of our new Education Data List builder at the end of 2023, we've now released two further additions to this builder to make list building as quick and easy as possible for our users. 

List Filters

When creating an Education Data List, instead of seeing a long list of filters to choose from, we've broken these down into categories to make finding the one you want much easier.

If you head to the Education Data list builder, now when you choose Filters you'll be provided with a list of categories:

Click on a category to open up a detailed list of filters to choose from: 

Common Searches

In addition to filter categories, we've also introduced Common Selections. You'll find Common Selections in filter options such as Type or County, they are pre-built, commonly used filters that make it easier for you to choose multiple options at once:

For example, Common Selections for Type may include options such as Academies, Independents, Primaries, or Secondaries:

You can choose multiple options from the dropdown and Campus will add the school types within that selection to your final filter options:

If you need further information on Creating an Education Data List, head over to our knowledge base guide here.